
About Me


Yes, that is me, rudely eating a chocolate bar and not sharing. Sorry 'bout that. It's yummy, you would've liked it.

So I wanted a place to write, publicly (because I want attention, I guess) about myself and my life. I want to be as real as possible here, without revealing who I am. For now, at least. I'm not sure that I'm ready to go completely public with some of the things that I might discuss on here, including:

-Life worries that come with the territory of being 24, done with a B.A. and soon an M.A. (pursued mostly, I admit to myself now, to put off "real life")
-Self-doubts, like feeling incredibly dumb, lazy, unreliable, unmotivated, blah blah blah.
-Anorexia, bulimia and recovering from both.
-Social anxiety. Sometimes I have it. 

Those are the biggies I suppose. What I want more than anything is for the other 2 people who may happen across this blog and read it, and maybe are dealing with some of the same issues, to not feel so alone. Because sometimes we all feel alone, and trust me, that will ONLY make your problems worse!

I will probably also write about traveling, running, eating and whatever else is on my mind. At this point I don't have a specific focus for this blog, kind of like my life has no specific direction that it is taking right now. I'm coming to terms with the fact that that is OK at this point. For someone who likes to have a pretty structured day, that has been a little bit challenging. It has been even more of a challenge to realize and accept that life will never follow as straight of a path as it did while I was in school. There are a lot of unknowns out there, good and bad, and there always will be. Why worry about what I have no control over? Exactly.

I would excuse myself at this point to finish my chocolate bar but I already did while writing this. That's right, I'm also a multi-tasker!

So, to explain the title of this blog: I am a young person, who often feels like she is dumb or naïve or both, but who also has a great amount of hope that things will all work out in the end, and I'm trying to hold on to that hope as hard as I can, no matter what.

Welcome :)

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